Chapter events
The chapter hosts events that are open to the public where the community can come and learn about the work we doing, help brainstorm how we do this work, and find opportunities to connect with one another.
We provide free dinner by a local BIPOC restaurant and/or use local produce to curate a meal for attendees. The Cultivate events are communal conversations intended to inform and activate those looking to find community amongst current or aspiring growers as well as anyone interested in strengthening their relationship to the land and community through grassroots organizing.
We’re cooking up our next event. You can expect it to be a time to learn more about the land fund and how to put together a solid application.
west michigan young farmers
Power to the People 616 is a women of color led collective & project of the chapter dedicated to the healing of our West Michigan community. We serve the people with love and intention through peaceful revolution. Our modes of community organizing are food justice, environmental sustainability, and health and wellness. A foundational part of our philosophy is reinforcing rest as an act of liberation by creating safe spaces for us, by us. It is our mission to work towards collective liberation with the community.